How to Download Paid Apps & Games for free from Safari Browser..No Jailbreak No App required!!

Confused with the title?? Well this is true. This is a new method for downloading apps and games from Safari Browser of your iOS device without having to pay any penny. You even don’t have to download the third party apps like vShare. This is a completely new method for downloading apps and games.

This website is completely safe and easy to download your favorite apps and games. I tried this site and was really impressed by its service. It is really easy and simple to use . So if you also like to get paid apps for free without any apps or jailbreak then simply follow these steps.

Let’s get started…

Step 1: Open the Safari Browser and type in the address bar.

Confused with the title?? Well this is true. This is a new method for downloading apps and games from Safari Browser of your iOS device without having to pay any penny. You even don’t have to download the third party apps like vShare. This is a completely new method for downloading apps and games.

Step 2: Now type the name of the app or game that you wish to install in the search bar. (I entered Badland 2 which is $4.99 on AppStore) and Click on the correct result that are displayed.

Confused with the title?? Well this is true. This is a new method for downloading apps and games from Safari Browser of your iOS device without having to pay any penny. You even don’t have to download the third party apps like vShare. This is a completely new method for downloading apps and games.

Step 3: You will now see the Download now tab. Tap on that.

Confused with the title?? Well this is true. This is a new method for downloading apps and games from Safari Browser of your iOS device without having to pay any penny. You even don’t have to download the third party apps like vShare. This is a completely new method for downloading apps and games.

Step 4: You will now have an option to select the versions of the particular game or application. Select the desired version that you wish to install and hit Download now.

Step 5: A pop up message will appear. Tap on open. (Don’t worry you will not be redirected to the AppStore)

Confused with the title?? Well this is true. This is a new method for downloading apps and games from Safari Browser of your iOS device without having to pay any penny. You even don’t have to download the third party apps like vShare. This is a completely new method for downloading apps and games.

Step 6: Wait for 10-15 seconds and you will see another pop up message. Hit install and you’re good to go.

Confused with the title?? Well this is true. This is a new method for downloading apps and games from Safari Browser of your iOS device without having to pay any penny. You even don’t have to download the third party apps like vShare. This is a completely new method for downloading apps and games.

Step 7: Go to your homescreen and you may see your app downloading there.

Confused with the title?? Well this is true. This is a new method for downloading apps and games from Safari Browser of your iOS device without having to pay any penny. You even don’t have to download the third party apps like vShare. This is a completely new method for downloading apps and games.

So what you think about this awesome trick?

Let us know in the comments below.

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2 التعليقات

18 avril 2022 à 19:58 حذف

How To Paid Apps And Games For From Safari Browser..No Jailbreak No App Required!! - Geek Info >>>>> Download Now

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How To Paid Apps And Games For From Safari Browser..No Jailbreak No App Required!! - Geek Info >>>>> Download LINK

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How To Paid Apps And Games For From Safari Browser..No Jailbreak No App Required!! - Geek Info >>>>> Download Full

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